Downloads References Prefabricated Construction Building with Engineered Wood Products
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Our Philosophy

Our goals are to boost industrial productivity and sustainably protect the environment. We are convinced of the merits of engineered wood materials – and this statement applies to every single one of our staff. Wood – a natural raw material – confronts us with challenges day in, day out, and we do everything possible to master them and be the absolute best in our field. Every day we endeavour to make our product portfolio even more innovative, functional and successful.

As one of the world’s most successful producers of wood-based materials, we have steadily boosted our competitiveness in markets around the globe. We also lead in another important area, namely environmental protection.

In our view, this extends to ensuring the health and safety of our employees and to safeguarding the “health” of nature. In connection with all of our production processes and when developing new innovations, we continually ask ourselves whether it might be done even better. And we aren’t satisfied until we have achieved the best possible result and can say with confidence, “yes, houses can be made even healthier to live in!”

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